Executor Configuration

Executor Configuration and Deployment Guide

Setting Up the Executor Environment:

  1. Install Geth: Download Geth from the Ethereum official website and install it for your operating system.

  2. Create a New Keystore Account: Use the command Geth account new to generate a new key in the Geth Keystore. Note down the public address, the path of the secret key file, and the keystore path for later use.

  3. Install Docker: Download and install Docker to run the Executor in a containerized environment.

Running the Executor:

  1. Download the Docker Image:

    docker pull <repository_url/entangle_executor:latest>
  2. Start the Executor: Run the Docker container with the necessary bindings for the keystore and configuration files:

    docker run -p <port>:<port> -v <path/to/keystore>:/app/shared/keystore/ <image_id> "<executor_keystore_name>" "<executor_keystore_password>"


    docker run -p 5888:5888 -v ./keystore/:/app/keystore/ 5c1e5f2f5333 "executorKey" "incred1bly-secure-pa55word"

    To use a custom configuration for specific network protocols, link the modified config file as follows:

    docker run -p <port>:<port> -v ./keystore/:/app/keystore/ -v ./custom_config.yaml:/app/executor/config.yaml <image_id> "<executor_keystore_name>" "<executor_keystore_password>"

Hardware Requirements:

  • Mainnet:

    • CPU: 4+ cores

    • RAM: 16GB+

    • Storage: 500GB+ SSD

    • Network: 100mbps+

    • OS: Ubuntu 22.04

  • Testnet:

    • CPU: 2+ cores

    • RAM: 4GB+

    • Storage: 250GB+ SSD

    • Network: 10mbps+

    • OS: Ubuntu 22.04

These specifications can be adjusted based on server capacity and network requirements. This setup ensures that your Executor can effectively manage and deploy operations across multiple blockchain networks.

Last updated