Use Cases

CDT Data Feeds

We have integrated the Data Streamer solution into Trillion's liquid vaults. The price calculation includes these steps:

  • Data Collection: Initially, data is collected in its raw form from a variety of Centralized Exchanges (CEXes), focusing primarily on transactional information. This step is foundational, as it captures the raw market activities essential for subsequent analysis.

  • Local Storage: Following collection, this data is stored locally on Transmitter Agents. This decentralized approach to data storage ensures that the information is retained securely and is readily accessible for processing.

  • Data Aggregation: The raw transaction data is then aggregated by predefined time intervals. This aggregation process is crucial for simplifying the data, making it more manageable, and preparing it for more sophisticated analyses.

  • VWAP Calculation: Utilizing the aggregated data, the Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) is calculated. The VWAP offers a more accurate representation of the market price by taking into account both the volume and the price of transactions within the specified time intervals.

The calculated VWAP value is a critical component in the Data Stream protocol's workflow, particularly within the Liquid Vaults. It provides a reliable and nuanced price metric that significantly enhances the protocol's pricing mechanisms and overall functionality.

For those seeking a deeper understanding of these processes and their integration within the Liquid Vaults, detailed information is available in the relevant sections of the protocol documentation.


Entangle VRF (Verifiable Random Function) is a reliable and verifiable random number generator (RNG) designed to provide smart contracts with access to random values without sacrificing security or usability.

For each query, Entangle VRF produces one or more random values along with a cryptographic proof demonstrating how these values were derived. This proof is then published and verified on-chain before any dependent applications are allowed to utilize it. This mechanism guarantees that the results remain unaltered and immune to manipulation by any parties, including oracle operators, miners, users, or smart contract developers.

Applications can utilize Entangle VRF to develop dependable smart contracts for applications that depend on unpredictable outcomes, such as:

  • Blockchain based games and NFTs.

  • Randomly assigning tasks and resources, such as allocating judges to cases in an unbiased manner.

  • Selecting a representative sample for consensus mechanisms.

  • Lottery style mechanisms with transparent on-chain randomisation

Entangle 's VRF introduces two approaches for requesting randomness:

  • Subscription: Set up a subscription account and top up its balance with NGL tokens. This enables users to link several consumer contracts to the subscription account. When these contracts request randomness, the transaction costs are tallied post-request fulfilment, and the subscription balance is adjusted accordingly. This approach provides the convenience of funding multiple consumer contracts through a single subscription.

  • Direct Funding: Consumer contracts directly transact with NGL tokens when requesting random values. It is essential to ensure your consumer contracts are sufficiently funded with NGL tokens to cover the randomness requests.

Use cases of VRF Data Feeds:

  1. NFTs: Facilitate the distribution of unique non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and assign random characteristics to these NFTs, ensuring that players have verifiable proof that their digital assets are generated and distributed through a system of incorruptible randomness.

  2. Gaming: Enhance gaming experiences by incorporating random elements into blockchain-based games. Utilize VRF for creating unpredictable game elements such as terrain layout, critical hit chances in combat games, matchmaking systems in online multiplayer games, the sequence of card draws, and spontaneous game events or encounters.

  3. Allocation of In-Demand Items: Manage the distribution of sought-after goods, such as event tickets, by randomly selecting participants for public sales, or determining winners for pre-sales of exclusive products like limited-edition sneakers.

  4. Random Selection: Create immersive and variable gaming experiences or application scenarios by employing randomness to influence outcomes. This can add depth to player-versus-player (PvP) battles and other situations, striking a balance between strategic planning and the excitement of unpredictability.

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