Photon Data Streamer

The Photon Data Streamer is part of the Photon infrastructure, optimized for real-time data transmission to enable immediate processing and analysis. This functionality is crucial for dynamic responses and insights across various applications.

Key Functions and Processes:

  • Data Collection: Transmitter Agents collect trade data from diverse sources.

  • Data Preprocessing: Off-chain preprocessing determines the best data values and formats, such as:

    • VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price)

    • TWAP (Time Weighted Average Price)

    • Median trading volume

  • Value Updates and Voting: Transmitters calculate and push updates to StreamDataSpotter contracts during a defined voting period.

  • Finalization and Broadcasting: Once conditions on the Entangle Blockchain are met, an update event is triggered, leading to the finalization and broadcasting of updated price information to the designated blockchain.

Data Finalization Process:

  • Proposal Aggregation: Begins with collecting Transmitter proposals.

  • Selection of Canonical Data Point: Ends with the selection of a canonical data point that best represents the observed reality.

Transmitter Bet Mechanism:

  • Transmitters bet on the accuracy of their data submissions.

  • A reward mechanism based on the collective agreement of peers encourages precision and integrity in submissions, introducing a game-theoretic layer to the consensus process.

This structured approach ensures a secure, efficient, and fair process for data streaming and operation execution within the Entangle ecosystem, maintaining the integrity and utility of the blockchain data.

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