Transmitter Agents

Transmitters form a decentralized, off-chain, proof-of-stake network crucial for Web3 data transmission within the Photon Messaging Protocol. Governed by the Master Smart Contract on the Entangle blockchain, Transmitter Agents collect and process external off-chain data with minimal latency to ensure high data fidelity. They are programmable, allowing customization per protocol requirements.

Role of External Developers

External Developers play a key role by creating and customizing their protocols, managing Transmitter configurations, and handling protocol operations. They are required to lock up NGL tokens for Transmitter rewards and protocol fees, specify staking requirements, and set Transmitter limits. External Developers also deploy Executors responsible for executing protocol operations and establish a consensus target for protocol agreement.

Management and Configuration

All protocol configurations are managed through the External Developer Hub contract, which also oversees KYB compliance. This central management ensures efficient updates across networks via the GOV protocol.

Transmitter Wallet Address Management

Agents register their Transmitter wallet addresses after meeting staking requirements. Registered addresses are then queued for allocation by the Round Manager contract, ensuring readiness for operations.

Work Application Cancellation

Agents can withdraw a work application for a Transmitter, but must complete any assigned tasks until the end of the current round to maintain operational continuity.

For further details on managing Transmitter settings and configurations, consult the Agent Manager contract.

Last updated