Data Publishing

Anyone can contribute to publishing updates to destination chains, ensuring a constant stream of data. To participate, use the pull-update-publisher tool. Clone the pull-oracle-publisher repository and launch the daemon to start streaming updates to destination chains.

  1. Clone repo - git clone

  2. Change config.yaml in repo’s root, select data keys for which you want to secure updates, set private key, optionally set your node URLs.

  3. Run pull-oracle-publisher cmd - go run ./cmd/pull-update-publisher. Or build and run docker container - docker compose -f ./docker/docker-compose.yml up

The pull-update-publisher executable when run, tries to publish update on publisher.updateInterval interval option, in concrete steps it does the following:

  1. Fetch latest updates for keys in the config from finalized-data-snap (spotter's assets list in calldata in Finalized Data API)

  2. Select updates that has either of the following properties:

    1. Latest on-chain update is older than value specified by publisher.updateThreshold option in the config

    2. Latest on-chain update value differs by more than (`publisher.priceDiffThreshold` / 10000 %) from fetched update value.

  3. Send selected updates to the PullOracle contract.

Finalized Data API

Retrieve Spotters List

Endpoint: GET /spotters

Description: Retrieves a list of spotters, including their IDs, supported assets, and networks.

Retrieve Spotter's Assets in Detail

Endpoint: GET /spotters/{spotterID}

Description: Retrieves a detailed view of a specific spotter's assets.


  • spotterID (string): ID of the spotter.

  • assets (string, query): Comma-separated list of asset keys (e.g., NGL/USD, ETH/USD).

Retrieve Calldata for Specific Network

Endpoint: GET /spotters/{spotterID}/{network}/calldata

Description: Retrieves a detailed view of a specific spotter's assets in calldata format for a particular network.


  • spotterID (string): ID of the spotter.

  • network (string): Blockchain network name.

  • assets (string, query): Comma-separated list of asset keys (e.g., NGL/USD, ETH/USD).

Response (example in json):

  "value": {
    "timestamp": "1234567890",
    "data": "btc/usd_value"
  "merkleRoot": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", // bytes32
  "signatures": ["sig1", "sig2", "..."], // array of Signatures
  "merkleProofs": ["uncle_proof1", "uncle_proof2"] // array of strings
  "key": "btc/usd" // bytes32

Last updated