Introducing Transmitter Agents

Agents are individuals or entities that own and operate one or more transmitters, each tailored to function within a designated protocol. The system mandates a strict one-to-one correspondence between an agent's Transmitter and the protocol, precluding any agent from deploying multiple transmitters within the same protocol framework. This measure ensures a streamlined and efficient allocation of transmission responsibilities, enhancing the protocol's overall integrity and reliability.

Agents are responsible for the initial setup and ongoing management of their transmitters. This includes:

  • Fulfilling staking requirements.

  • Executing KYC for operational clearance.

  • Deploying Transmitter programs. These programs are specially configured versions of the software designed to interface seamlessly with the specified protocol, thereby facilitating the effective transmission of data.

Transmitter Wallet Address Management

Agents are vested with the authority to register the wallet addresses of their Transmitter programs, also referred to as "worker addresses," within the system. This registration is contingent upon the agent meeting the requisite staking requirements and is indicative of the Transmitter program's readiness to commence operations. Once registered, the worker address is queued for inclusion in the forthcoming round of Transmitter allocation, as orchestrated by the Round Manager contract.

Work Application Cancellation

In instances where an agent opts to withdraw a work application for a particular Transmitter, the system provides a mechanism for such cancellation. Despite having this ability, the agent must complete any current tasks according to the rules until the end of this round.

This stipulation ensures that the protocol's operational continuity is maintained, without disruption, for the duration of the round.

Check the Agent Manger contract here.

Last updated