Custom Price Stream Protocol

Entangle's Liquid Vaults Price Stream Protocol is a cutting-edge solution designed to provide real-time, accurate price updates for Liquidity Pool (LP) tokens, tokenized real-world assets (tRWAs), and other yield assets through a streaming oracle service. This protocol is built atop the Entangle Data Stream Protocol on the Entangle Oracle Blockchain (EOB).

Key Features

  • Universal Real-Time Data Feeds: The first of its kind, offering comprehensive support for developers at every stage of asset tokenization and CDT creation.

  • Customizable Data Setup: Flexibility in choosing data sources, delivery methods, payment models, and data processing logic, enabling applications to balance security, decentralization, and cost effectively.

  • Efficient Price Data Collection: Utilizes the DataStream system within the CDT protocol framework to gather and process LP price data efficiently.

What Sets Entangle Apart From the Competition?

The traditional method of acquiring data for DeFi services relies on on-chain transactions and oracles for off-chain data, facing challenges in speed, cost, and reliability. Access to real-time price feeds is essential for DeFi operations like margin calculations, liquidations, and pricing of futures contracts and collateral.

Entangle offers a solution by enabling DEXs on platforms like Arbitrum to access updated swap rates of assets across various chains, such as Ethereum's Uniswap pairs, through an advanced off-chain push mechanism. This system leverages Entangle's robust security protocols, providing a faster and more cost-effective alternative to traditional methods.

Entangle's reliable on-chain price feeds are crucial for assets without stable off-chain oracle data, enabling DEXs on networks like Arbitrum to support perpetual contracts for emerging assets or to add new assets as collateral.

Last updated