V3 DEX Flow

The operational framework largely mirrors V2; however, the EntryModule smart contract now serves as the primary gateway, replacing the previously used EntangleDex. Upon activation, the EntryModule interfaces with the EntangleDexV3 smart contract, rendering the subsequent procedures identical to those in Version 2.

Key insights include:

  • When you deposit your assets, your NFT position will be removed. This is a necessary step to integrate your assets into the system.

  • In instances where a user opts to retrieve their liquidity, a new NFT is generated for them, and liquidity is augmented to align with the user's contribution.

  • A key improvement is that we keep the CDT token in the form of an ERC20, which is a standard format for tokens on the Ethereum network, ensuring compatibility and security.

V3 deposit flow:

V3 withdraw flow:

Last updated