LP Pool Protection

To ensure the security of the LP pool, all transaction logic – encompassing fund transfers, deposits, and farming operations – is encoded within our smart contracts. This encapsulation of logic provides a robust defence against several common attack vectors:

  • Reentrancy Attacks: Our contracts are designed to prevent external calls from malicious contracts that could lead to unauthorized withdrawals or deposits. We implemented the general approach to prevent this type of attack - ReentrancyGuard by OpenZeppelin.

  • Flash Loan Attacks: By integrating real-time data verification and requiring multiple confirmations for price updates, we mitigate the risk of price manipulation through flash loans.

  • Front-Running: We have implemented measures to prevent front-running, where transactions are reordered for someone's benefit, thereby ensuring fairness and transparency in transaction processing. In all our swaps slippage is integrated, to exclude potential front-running attack.

  • Oracle Manipulation: By using our in-house Photon Cross-chain Messaging layer and requiring a consensus for price finalization, we reduce the risk of oracle manipulation, ensuring the reliability of external data.

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